Hi, I’m Leah. For over 25 years I have combined my curiosity for health, transformation, empowerment, and connection with my passion for adventure, learning, teaching, and serving .My unique professional path includes a base in traditional rehabilitative therapies, bodywork, yoga, fitness and outdoor recreation. But nothing I do would be possible without the relationships I have with others. When my life didn’t turn out like the fantasy I was sold (and bought), I was hurt, angry, scared and ashamed. I blamed my partner and I blamed myself. My very human need for connection and to make sense of where I had “gone wrong” led me to look at myself and the way I was habitually relating to everyone in my life. I was the common denominator and this was my call to level up and do things differently. I’ve been married, divorced, on the dating scene and starting again in middle age. I’m a mother, daughter, partner, friend, student, leader and coach.With hundreds of hours of education and experience, investing in myself to study, learn, and practice solid relational skills has been the latest and most effective step in my ongoing path to live and love as well as I can.